Discover renewable energy and reduce costs with a solar carport or bikeport. Turn your car park into a place for more than just parking. Clean energy, more comfort. With our handy configurator, you can easily put together your carport or bikeport and receive a complete quick scan in your mailbox within 2 minutes.
You don’t have enough space for solar panels on your roof or your roof is unsuitable. But you do want to get rid of grey electricity and unpredictable energy costs. Have you thought about utilising your car park? It usually doesn’t look like much and you probably don’t have a lot to offer visitors who want to park their car or bike.
You can simply do more with your car park than you do now. On a canopy, you can put a lot of solar panels in a space you already have. You generate your own clean energy, your parking area becomes more attractive and you make parking extra comfortable.
This is how you arrange a sustainable place with convenience that benefits everyone.