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Financiering duurzame projecten

Financing sustainable projects

Investing in sustainable projects for your business pays off. You contribute to a better environment by reducing air pollution and the use of fossil fuels. You also make your company more attractive. Other companies like to work with partners who invest in sustainability. And you can count on sympathy from customers and prospects who are more likely to favour your company. By investing in sustainable projects, you save on unpredictable energy costs and you can make a profit over time. This will increase your company’s chances of surviving for a long time to come.

Looking to invest in more green for your business? Then find out quickly how to get funding for your sustainable projects so you can get a great deal done.

Here's how to get the financing

Make use of subsidies for businesses

Installations that allow you to generate your own green energy and reduce CO₂ emissions can be purchased inexpensively with a subsidy. The SDE++ and ISDE subsidies for companies are national subsidies you can apply for.

Besides national energy subsidies, there are also regional energy subsidies for businesses. Check with your municipality if there is a local subsidy scheme.

Cooperate with a partner

Suppliers, buyers or partners: more companies want to become more sustainable and are looking for the most beneficial way to do so. See if others want to contribute to your project. Or ask if they are willing to contribute the expertise you need for free or at low cost. If your plan is supported by more parties, you also increase the chances of getting other funding for sustainable projects.

Find a business investor

Entrepreneurial Netherlands (Ondernemend Nederland) has many investors who want to contribute to sustainable projects. Because they believe in more green and want to accelerate progress. Consider your own network first, but also look at initiatives within your industry or search on mediation platforms, such as

Or pursue these options

Sign up for crowdfunding

With crowdfunding, you raise money from the general public. It allows more people to contribute to your sustainable project, even for a relatively small amount. You start a campaign on a platform set up for this purpose. The platform also determines the conditions for the campaign, such as the minimum amount to be raised. There are platforms that exist specifically for financing sustainable projects and that are industry-specific. Do some good research on the platforms and ask entrepreneurs who have funded a project this way about their experiences and tips.

Borrow money at low interest rates

Or finance your sustainable project with the Green Projects scheme (regeling Groenprojecten). Apply to your bank or investor for a green certificate to be able to borrow at lower interest rates than those on the market.

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